What is Kosher

Kosher is the Yiddish’s pronunciation of Kasher and it refers to that complies with the kashrut’s precepts which means correct in Hebrew. In other words, Kosher refers to that which is correct and proper to be consumed. In modern days, the Kosher Certification is a quality seal that certifies a product as proper for consumption according to the Kashrut. Naturally, not everything fits the criteria so before applying food producers should consider the requisites necessary for the Kosher Certification.

Basic rules of Kosher

The concept of kosher implies several rules that apply to different products and classify them according to their origins. In simple terms, the kosher products fit mostly in three groups: Meats, Dairy Products, and Parve or neutral products.


To consume animal it must be ruminant, and to have split hoof. It must fulfill all requisites. To consume seafood, it must be fish with both scales and fins. To consume birds, producers must avoid the 21 species classified as taref in the Talmud. To consume meat from an animal, food producers need to consider not only the kind of animal but also the whole process from the animal’s death, and its preparation, to its cooking. Kosher Meat is Meat from animals that:
• Are not alive.
• Were not sick.
• Died in a just way and as painlessly as possible.
There are also specific parts of the animal that people cannot consume. For example leaver, blood, or fat surrounding the vital organs. For example, to consume cow’s Meat, it must die by shejitá. A fast, clean-cut in the throat performed with sharp knives by a specially trained person called shojet. This way the animal will not suffer unnecessarily before or during its’ death.

Dairy Products

Meat and Dairy Products cannot be mixed. You must not even let Meat and a Dairy product touch each other or they will become taref. This applies to any derivate of milk, for example, products like yogurt, cheese, and cream. Additionally, food producers must not mix the utensils used to prepare Dairy Products or Meat. Knives, spoons, and forks. Plates, cups, and vases. Even the sponges used to do the dishes need to be different.

Parve or Neutral Category

Parve refers to those foods that are neither meat nor Dairy Products. This category includes fruits, grains, and vegetables in their natural state. Additionally, eggs, oils, and other derivate products from kosher animals fall in the Parve category. Take into account that the kosher products must not touch anything taref or they could become not allowed.

  • There are millions of consumers, Jew and not Jew, which consume exclusively Kosher Products all around the world. This means that there will always be a demand for their products.

      • Kosher food reduces the amount of fat consumed and guarantee better health.


    • Kosher food reduces greatly the risk of allergic reactions.


  • The general consumer considers kosher certified food of greater quality than regular food.

Will my company need constant supervision from the organization?

It depends on the kind of product certified. The level of supervision is proportional to the number of ingredients or steps involved in the productive process. Therefore, if their product is simple, producers will be okay with little supervision but if it is complex, and they may need the constant presence of an authorized supervisor.

Is there a demand for Kosher products?

The demand for kosher products include millions of Jew and non-Jew consumers all over the world. In fact, this demand is on the rise and so is the business of kosher products.

Are Kosher ingredients more expensive?

Usually, kosher products are barely more expensive than regular ones. Specifically, in Europe, there are many factories specialized that sell kosher products with prices competitive with the general market standard.

Steps to apply for Kosher Certification

We receive inquiry and list of ingredients and production flow chart we check if its possible
1st Step
to obtain Kosher Certificate
We make invoice and we appoint the auditor
2nd Step
To obtain Kosher Certificate
We audit the factory
3rd Step
to obtain Kosher Certificate
We fix points if necessary and we make the report
4th Step
to obtain Kosher Certificate
We apply and we issue for the kosher certificate
5th Step
to obtain Kosher Certificate

If necessary, the company may want multiple inspections before and after the certificate emission. This will depend on the circumstances and characteristics of the product.